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5.5.6 - Dental Insurance

Updated: 6/1/2023

Many of the patients seen at the college have dental insurance. The Patient Services Coordinator assigned to each clinic receives the necessary information to file claims on the patient's behalf. 

A general note on insurance: pre-authorization is required for many large claims.  Your Patient Services Coordinator can provide you with additional information in these situations. 

A proposed treatment plan (with estimated costs) must be provided to the patient via the axiUm system. While the college files the necessary insurance claims, the patient is still responsible for the payment of the account.  As a note of interest for the insured patient, very few procedures are paid-in-full, with many insurance companies limiting the number of procedures during a specific period. Most insurance carriers have deductibles ranging from $25-$100 and maximum reimbursements ranging from $1000-$1500 per calendar year. 

Patients are expected to pay for treatment when rendered. If a patient has insurance, their co-payment is expected at the time of service. Your Patient Services Coordinator will provide any additional information as needed.

Many insurance carriers, for which the College of Dentistry is a non-participating provider, pay the patient directly.  In many cases, even though the patient has dental insurance coverage, the patient may not have any benefits if a non-participating provider provides services.  Clarification can be requested from your Patient Services Coordinator.

Complete information must be in the axiUm record for proper filing of the insurance claim. The Patient Services Coordinator will request any further information that is required for the claim to be filed. Please keep in mind insurance carriers may need some additional information, such as the initial placement of full coronal restorations or a filling. If dentures or partials are replaced, insurance carriers require the original date they were placed and the date and tooth numbers originally extracted. All insurance claims are filed automatically once the procedure has been completed via the axiUm system. 

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