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5.2.7 - Required Patient Documentation

Updated: 6/1/2023 - Terms of ParticipationUpdated: 6/1/2023

This electronic form provides the patient with information regarding patient acceptance, appointment availability, financial responsibility, follow-up care in dental hygiene recall, and eligibility for further treatment at the College of Dentistry. The consent form must be signed by the patient (or the patient's parent/guardian if a minor child) and a printed copy is given to the patient for their records. This confirms an understanding and acceptance of the responsibilities of participation in the student program at the College of Dentistry. - College of Dentistry Payment PolicyUpdated: 6/1/2023

The patient will also be required to sign the College of Dentistry’s Payment Policy which outlines the financial responsibilities of the patient and a statement regarding fee reductions for pediatric patients based on income level.  The patient may receive a printed copy of this form upon request for their records.

A patient accepted for emergency care or limited treatment is also required to sign a statement of understanding of the parameters under which care is being rendered.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure that all appropriate documents relating to informed consent are complete, signed, and made a permanent part of the patient's record.

These electronic documents are found within axiUm. - Master Treatment PlanUpdated: 6/1/2023

The Master Treatment Plan (MTP) is the document, in the electronic record, of all planned treatments developed after departmental routing, specialty faculty consultation, or by other authorized individuals, such as Group Practice Directors.  This document, in addition to the signed predoc consent to treatment (PDPC), gives consent to the treatment listed. It is also a key element to utilize for providing a finance plan. The Master Treatment Plan and the Patient Consent to Treatment Form require the patient’s electronic signature.

Master Treatment Plans may be changed during treatment. Every time a change is made to the master treatment plan, the patient must sign a revised treatment plan. There are times when a master treatment plan may not be completed prior to the delivery of dental care to the patient. However, there must be a signed consent to treatment and a signed treatment plan for the procedures that will be completed prior to the completion of the master treatment plan.  Examples include delivering emergency care or starting periodontal treatment prior to the completion of the treatment plan.

Treating a patient without a signed PDPC and treatment plan is a serious recordkeeping omission. 

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