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4.6.1 - Professional Dress Code

Updated: 4/16/2020

The University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry (COD) brings workforce members (employees, faculty, students, volunteers, trainees, etc.), patients, and visitors together for the purposes of patient care, education, and research. The healthcare provider/patient relationship is a cornerstone of your future professional career. The COD appreciates that clinical, educational, and research experiences can be influenced by the personal appearance and demeanor of all members of our college community. The confidence and trust of our patients are directly and indirectly influenced by their assessment of professional decorum, conduct, attitude, and personal appearance. The conduct and appearance of all workforce members also form a major part of the collective impression outside of the provision of care -- including alumni, legislators, foreign dignitaries, visiting professors, and others who visit the College of Dentistry. It is incumbent on all of us in the college community to conduct ourselves with dignity, responsibility, and respect for others and to maintain appropriate dress and a well-groomed professional appearance in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the COD.

Proper dress and a well-groomed professional appearance also reflect current infection prevention and safety guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). College guidelines for appearance and attire reinforce our commitment to all current federal, state, and local regulations as part of an ongoing effort and responsibility to maintain the safest, most contemporary learning and clinical environment possible for our patients and workforce members. These guidelines are reviewed and updated as needed by the COD Health and Safety Committee.

College of Dentistry allows self-expression through personal appearance unless it conflicts with a workforce member's ability to perform their duties effectively or it is regarded as offensive or harassing towards others in the college community, including patients and guests.

All workforce members must comply with the Clinical and Professional Appearance and Dress Code policy. Since patient care is delivered throughout the year, it is important to maintain a professional appearance during college business hours, Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, as well as, during college-approved activities, for example, Kid’s Day and Veteran’s Day events. This operating procedure applies to all College of Dentistry facilities as well as all affiliated external sites. When workforce members are at affiliated external sites, should there be differences in policies, they must comply with the site’s policies and procedures, including those related to professional appearance and attire.

General Appearance:

All students must comply with the following guidelines for professional appearance and attire during business hours.

Professional Appearance:

  1. Hair should be clean, well-groomed, and of a neutral or natural color.

  2. Men must be clean-shaven or beards and mustaches must be clean, neatly trimmed, and well groomed.

  3. Personal body hygiene is required so that offensive body odor is avoided.

Professional Dress Code:

  1. Business casual: dress slacks, skirts or dresses of appropriate length, polo-style shirts, shirts with collars, and blouses with long or short sleeves.

  2. Shoes: most types of shoes are acceptable as long as they are clean and presentable.

  3. OUCOD ID badge: must be visible and worn above the waist, at all times.

Unacceptable or not permitted:

Clothing: bare midriffs, exposed undergarments, improperly fitted clothing, baseball caps or other hats, T-shirts with inappropriate content, rubber flip-flops, jeans with tears or designer holes, yoga pants or work-out attire, and sweats.

Tattoos: obscene images and/or are offensive based on gender, race, sexuality, or religion, or that have yielded patient or employee complaints must always be covered.

Jewelry: must not present a safety hazard or interfere with job responsibilities.

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