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5.3.4 - Annual Training

Updated: 12/20/2023

You must complete the following training courses by visiting the OnPoint website ( ), then upload one certificate of completion for each requirement. 

Annual Training Courses include:

HIPAA Privacy and Security Training
Hazardous Communication / General Safety
Bloodborne Pathogens
Tuberculosis Awareness
Sooner Fire Safety

HIPAA training course is due within 5 days of the course being assigned or the certificate expiration date. OSHA training courses are due within 30 days of the course being assigned or the certificate expiration date.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How do I log into Onpoint?

You can sign in using your HSC User Name and Network Password.

  1. Where do I find my annual training courses?

Assigned training will be visible on the Home page, within OnPoint, under the My Learning Assignment section.

  1. The course I need to take is not listed under My Learning Section. What should I do?

You can use the SEARCH feature in the upper right corner of the OnPoint Home screen. Type in a portion of the course name for which you are searching. For example: "fire" for the Sooner Fire Safety course. Once the course is found, click the title link. Click Register. Click Start to take your course. Screenshot or save your certificate of completion to upload into Complio.

You cannot take a course until it is within 30 days of the certificate expiration date. If your certificate expires on December 1st, OnPoint will not allow you to begin the course until November 1st. 

  1. I uploaded a screenshot of my Training Transcript. Complio denied it; why?

The certificate of completion must be uploaded into each training course. If the certificate is not uploaded, the requirement will automatically be denied.

  1. How do I find my certificate of completion?
  • Sign-in to OnPoint
  • On the right side of the HOME page, under QUICK LINKS,  click the link titled: TRAINING TRANSCRIPT.
  • On the TRAINING TRANSCRIPT page, under ACTIVITIES, locate the course name for the certificate you need for Complio.
  • Click the blue icon to the LEFT of the course title.
  • Screenshot, print, or export to PDF the certificate to upload into the correct Complio requirement.
  • Upload ONE certificate per Complio requirement. - HIPAA Privacy and Security TrainingUpdated: 12/13/2023

All workforce members are required to complete the HIPAA Privacy and Security training annually. It is each individual’s responsibility to stay current on the required training. Annual trainings can be accessed via the OU Enterprise Learning Management System known as OnPoint. OnPoint will send email notifications to all workforce members up to 30 days before the expiration of the previous year's certificate. It is the responsibility of each workforce member to complete training promptly. 

(Workforce Members include employees, students, trainees, volunteers, temporary employees and/or affiliates). OUHSC’s policy and procedures may be different from other employers and Workforce Members must comply with OUHSC’s rules and regulations. Workforce Members are bound by OUHSC’s policy even if they have not read it. Civil and criminal penalties will still apply.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  1. When is my HIPAA training due?

You must complete HIPAA training within 5 days of receiving access to OnPoint.  You will receive emails from HIPAA advising you that you are due.  HIPAA training can be found here: - Hazardous Communication/General Safety TrainingUpdated: 10/25/2023

In order to comply with federal, and state regulations, the College of Dentistry has made a commitment to provide information about safe work procedures and chemical hazards, as well as other potential hazards, to its workforce members. This commitment will be met by instituting a documented policy of employee training that fully explains job hazards and safe work procedures prior to job assignment. To ensure that safe work procedures are followed, COD Director of Compliance or the OUHSC Environmental Health and Safety Office will conduct unannounced laboratory and/or clinic inspections. Training guidelines are as follows:

  1. Every employee at the College of Dentistry is required to complete annual health and safety online training available at 
  2. Every student receives hazard training throughout his/ her tenure as a student.
  3. A copy of the OUHSC Environmental Health and Safety policies and lab manual is available online at EHSO Manual 2022-2023 - Hazardous Waste ( - Tuberculosis AwarenessUpdated: 10/25/2023

The Tuberculosis Awareness course will introduce you to the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis, as well as provide information about the OUHSC/OU-TULSA Tuberculosis Infection Control Policy and the Tuberculosis Skin Test Program.

Workforce members will also learn the proper procedures for identifying and interacting with patients with possible tuberculosis, and how to use appropriate respiratory protection.

Upon completion of the course, you should be able to:

  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of active tuberculosis (TB)
  • Know what to do if a patient is suspected to have active TB
  • Understand that a positive skin test does not necessarily mean a person is infectious
  • Understand that respirators (not surgical masks) should be worn by workforce members under certain conditions
  • Understand that participation in the OUHSC/OU-Tulsa PPD skin testing program is required for workforce members who have the potential for occupational exposure to TB

The Tuberculosis Awareness course is located at and is due annually. - Bloodborne PathogensUpdated: 10/25/2023

Universal/Standard Precautions - The College of Dentistry follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures (OSAP), OSHA, and the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) Infectious Disease Policy (HSC/OU-Tulsa Infectious Disease Policy ( recommendations and guidelines for infection control to ensure patient and workforce member safety.

  1. Standard/Universal precautions for infection control will be utilized for all patient care.
  2. Annual training for Bloodborne Pathogens is located at - Sooner Fire SafetyUpdated: 10/26/2023

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) Office of the Fire Marshal operates under the Office of Construction Oversight and Fire Protection is to protect lives and property from fire, explosions, and related hazards by providing a safe work environment through plan review and enforcement of fire codes and public education.  The department also provides technical assistance to responding local fire departments.

We believe prevention is the most effective means of fire protection. Through enforcement of national and state fire codes and education of OUHSC employees we can deliver vital fire prevention services and information creating safe work environments and reducing the impact of fire.

The OUHSC Fire Marshal website is located at .

Annual training is located at . - Title IX: Sexual Assault PreventionUpdated: 12/20/2023

The University is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all persons who participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free from all forms of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation.

The University condemns discrimination based on sex, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual misconduct. Any such activity committed by a member of the University community may subject the individual to University sanctions as well as civil and criminal penalties.

Additional Sexual Misconduct resources can be found at .

Annual training is due by October 15th of each year. If you fail to complete this training by the deadline, a hold will be placed against future enrollment and that hold will remain until the training is completed. The hold will automatically be removed the day after you complete the required training.  

The training is located at:

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Do I need to upload my certificate of completion into Complio?

No. HSC sends COD Compliance a list of all students who have NOT completed the SAP training. Your name will remain on the list as a non-compliant student until you finish the course. Non-compliance with the Title IX: SAP course will impact your ability to enroll for the Spring semester. 

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